Tuesday, October 11, 2011

29 & 364/365ths

It's approaching midnight the night before my 30th birthday. Today, I slept in until 10:30. Had butternut squash Ginger soup for breakfast, ate lunch at Pepino's then got a Pumpkin Latte at Peet's with Kate before going to work and more than tripling the day's sales in my four hour shift. I came home to the smell of dinner already made: pesto pasta with spicy turkey sausage and steamed broccoli & a glass of red wine which was followed with a cookie for dessert, earl grey shortbread from a local shop. It's been a good day.

As good as the day has been, I've felt a little overwhelmed. I miss my family. I wish my siblings and mother would call. I feel like my grandparents are the only ones I talk to on a regular basis except for my dad and he's only 2 hours away from me. I miss my friends in Salt Lake. Everyone seems so busy and caught up in their own lives, I wonder if I'm even missed.

I'm emotional.

I leave for Texas in 7 days and as excited as I am, I've got so much going on I can hardly keep it all organized. Tomorrow: birthday happy hour with whomever shows up. Wednesday: date at Museum of Contemporary Craft to see Nikki McClure exhibit & cleaning shift. Thursday: pack for Texas and get stuff here organized, and possibly another date TBD. Friday: work & anticipate Jerry's arrival for the weekend. Then S&S: work/explore with Jerry/clean up at home. And then it's Monday and go time. For someone who regularly feels like her schedule isn't eventful enough, I sure have packed it this week.

And now... It's midnight. Happy birthday to me.

Wow. Thirty.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I received great news in the mail last week.

I was accepted at PSU to start winter quarter. Yesterday, I received my financial aid award and now I get to figure out how to afford school. Unfortunately, I'll be paying out-of-state tuition so even the maximum stafford loans won't fully cover it. Since I was accepted for co-admission to PSU & PCC, I believe I'll be able to take six credits at each school and I might be able to break even. I just need to confirm the minimum required PSU credits first and decide how to pay for books. Otherwise, I'll be about 3 grand short.

I am on a real schedule with the kids across the river. I get to spend time with them on the first Saturday of each month. For October, we decorated cupcakes and made shrinky dinks and had a blast.

Mouse and I are fully moved in with Kate and her pets in a cute house in Southeast. Mouse has taken over a dog bed that Dixie, Kate's dog had little interest in using. He seems happy. I know I am.

With my 30th birthday days away I am happy to report that life is great! I've started dating again. I had a lunch date yesterday and a tea date tomorrow with someone else, as well as plans for future dates with a couple other women. It's really exciting and fun and something I've never really done before. I'm getting out there and meeting people and making friends!